Hydrangea-  Sugar Flower Class

In this video lesson you'll learn how to make hydrangea sugar flowers and how to use petal dusts to create ombre colouring for your flowers.  

In this class, you'll learn :

How to make hydrangea sugar flowers
I'll show you step by step how to make these pretty flowers 

How to use petal dusts
to create ombre colouring for your flowers, we will cover pink, blue and purple hydrangea flowers.

Tips and techniques
 to transform the way you use petal dusts to colour your sugar flowers

 How to quickly make centres for your hydrangea flowers

You'll also be invited into the Sugar Flower Artistry Private Facebook group. Where you’ll be able to ask questions and connect with a community of sugar flower artists who share the same passion for sugar flowers as you do.

A personal Invitation from Charlotte...

I've been making sugar flowers in my wedding cake business Sugar Ruffles for nearly 10 years now, and using petal dusts has completely transformed my sugar flowers!  Now I'm sharing some of the secrets of sugar flower artistry that I have learnt along the way.

I'd love to invite you to my hydrangea video lesson, where you can learn step by step how to make these pretty flowers. As well as petal dusting techniques to create beautiful ombre colouring 

I look forward to meeting you over in the Sugar Flower Artistry Facebook group and seeing your beautiful sugar flowers!
Charlotte x